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isoTune – The next generation in sorption science

The isoTune represents a groundbreaking advancement in sorption analysis technology, integrating the outstanding cryoTune principle with the convenience and versatility of a very compact standalone device. In addition the isoTune offering a unique fusion of a sorption analyzer and a gas pycnometer to redefine the possibilities of gas and vapor analysis. With unparalleled flexibility, precision, and innovation, the isoTune empowers researchers and industry professionals to explore the depths of sorption phenomena with unprecedented accuracy and efficiency.

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The isotune is designed to be

  • accurate
  • precise
  • flexible
  • scientific
  • sustainable

Key Features

  • Combination of a sorption analyzer and a gas pycnometer
  • Sorption of gases and vapors in a wide temperature range (77 – 323 K)
  • Integrated gas pycnometer can use vacuum and all connected gases and be converted into a vapor source
  • Fully thermostated for highly reproducible density and sorption analyses
  • Up to 4 pressure transducers for high accuracy and proportional dosing valve for precise pressure control
  • Integrated furnace for most accurate in situ sample degassing procedures up to 600 °C
  • Contaminant-free sample transfer
  • Sample controlled thermal analyses (SCTA) preparation techniques


  • Unique combination: isoTune seamlessly integrates a scientific sorption analyzer and gas pycnometer, providing a comprehensive solution for diverse analytical needs.
  • Flexible adsorption temperature control: Sorption of gases and vapors is possible from 77 K up to 323 K ensuring precise analysis under varying experimental conditions. The isoTune offers unparalleled flexibility to adapt to your research requirements with ease.
  • Integrated gas pycnometer: Enjoy the convenience of an integrated, fully thermostated gas pycnometer for density and specialized sorption measurements. The isoTune’s advanced pycnometer utilizes vacuum and all connected gases for sample preparation and specialized analyses, ensuring accuracy and reliability.
  • Fully thermostated system: The isoTune’s fully thermostated system eliminates uncertainties due the environment, a moving dewar or cryogenic liquids’ temperature changes, guaranteeing consistent and reliable results. The cryoTune principle enables a constant small cold zone (-196 °C – 50 °C) and allows the use of all gases in the respective temperature range. The temperature-controlled transfer zone provides a constant warm zone (30 °C – 100 °C) and the heatable tube (30 °C – 100 °C) eliminates condensation problems. The temperature in the manifold can be set between 15 °C and 50 °C in order to carry out density measurements at well-defined analysis temperatures.
  • Up to 4 pressure transducers: You can choose between 0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000 Torr to find the best combination for your specific application from standard measurements to the determination of smallest surface areas up to vapor sorption.
  • Proportional dosing valve: Precise pressure control of either dose amounts or evacuation rates enables fast measurements and secure sample handling.
  • Controlled sample transfer: The isoTune features a novel sample transfer mode. Upon triggering sample transfer in the software, the connecting hose is purged with inert gas. Once the sample is attached, the system is automatically evacuated immediately with a user defined evacuation rate. This procedure ensures the exclusion of sample contamination.
  • Controlled sample preparation: Utilizing the Sample Controlled Thermal Analysis (SCTA) routine the isoTune ensures that sample preparation is precisely controlled by the sample itself.
  • Software-based temperature control: Temperature control of all thermostated system parts is completely software-based and offers enhanced precision and flexibility in all experiments. The isoTune’s temperature-dependent adsorptive and adsorbate properties are based on NIST data, ensuring accuracy and reliability in all analyses.
  • Temperature-dependent adsorptive and adsorbate property database

Please find the isoTune flyer here 3P isoTune_engl

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