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Gassorption, Dampfsorption, Gastrennung und Gasreinigung: neue Termine 2024/2025 für den Erfahrungsaustausch

Which adsorptive should I use to determine surfaces and pores?

Which adsorptive should I use to determine surfaces and pores?

Gassorption, Dampfsorption, Gastrennung und Gasreinigung: neue Termine 2024/2025 für den Erfahrungsaustausch

Vortrag: „Comparison of an Industrial Adsorbent and Hybrid Materials for Direct Air Capture“
3P-Ausstellungsstand E08
15. – 19.07.2024
Sorption World Webinar VIII
New flexibility and accuracy aspects in the next generation sorption analyzer
24.09.2024, 9.30 Uhr (CEST)
Community Sorption meeting
19.11.2024, 9 – 16 Uhr (CET)
Sorption World Webinar IX
New sorption studies results for surface and pore characterization by flexible use of various adsorptives
21.01.2025, 9.30 Uhr (CET)
Sorption World Webinar X
Characterization of catalysts by use of Altamira techniques
18.03.2025, 9.30 Uhr (CET)
Adsorptionswoche 2025
weitere Informationen folgen in Kürze
13. & 14.05.2025
Leipzig / online

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Sorption events 2024/2025

Which adsorptive should I use to determine surfaces and pores?

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