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Gas sorption, vapor sorption, gas separation and gas purification: new dates 2024/2025 for the exchange of experience

Which adsorptive should I use to determine surfaces and pores?

Which adsorptive should I use to determine surfaces and pores?

Gas sorption, vapor sorption, gas separation and gas purification: new dates 2024/2025 for the exchange of experience

Presentation: “Comparison of an Industrial Adsorbent and Hybrid Materials for Direct Air Capture”
3P-booth at the conference E08
July 15 – 19, 2024
Sorption World Webinar VIII
New flexibility and accuracy aspects in the next generation sorption analyzer
free of charge
Sep. 24, 2024, 9.30 am (CEST)
Community Sorption meeting
free of charge
Nov 19, 2024, 9 am – 4 pm (CET)
Sorption World Webinar IX
New sorption studies results for surface and pore characterization by flexible use of various adsorptives
free of charge
Jan 21, 2025, 9.30 am (CET)
Sorption World Webinar X
Characterization of catalysts by use of Altamira techniques
free of charge
Mar 18, 2025, 9.30 am (CET)
Adsorption Week 2025
further details will be announced soon
May 13. & 14, 2025
Leipzig / online

Click on the links for more information and to register for the events. The webinars are free of charge, an excellent opportunity for training and to gain experience at 3P Instruments. Participation in the Adsorption Week in May 2025 in Leipzig enables the perfect international exchange of experiences, on-site or online, and the same with the online Community Sorption meeting in November 2024, you are very welcome!

All the best from the 3P Instruments team

Sorption events 2024/2025

Which adsorptive should I use to determine surfaces and pores?

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